Monday, March 22, 2010

Into the Deep End

I've been rushing to meet a deadline for the past three weeks.

My carpets have forgotten what a sweeper looks like. The debit card has been getting a workout at the takeout counter. My kids think I've become permanently attached to my office chair and my husband thinks I'm having an affair with my laptop.

In addition, I had a new release March 3, MOONLIGHT MENAGE, attended the VFRW editor-agent panel, the Liberty States Fiction Writers Conference where I gave a workshop, and ran a 5K race (at my fastest time yet, if you'll let me brag just a little). I found one son a tutor, got the other son to the orthodontist and managed to stick to my running schedule.

My new book is finally done and will be shipped off to my editor today after I pry it out of my fingers. Would I like another week to polish and obsess? Hell yes. But I can't have it. I need to toss it into the deep end and trust that it will rise to the occasion.

Because I've got another deadline looming. Several, actually. The first book in my new series for Sourcebooks, The Forgotten Goddesses, is due June 30. Spring has sprung and that means garden visits and feature writing for the local newspaper. And my oldest is a high school junior so we'll be college shopping this summer.

So, goodbye John and Kaine. I know I will see you again in edits but for now I ship you out and hope I don't sink before you come back to me.

1 comment:

Judi Fennell said...

Way to go Adele!!! Long live Gunnar.