Monday, October 3, 2011

October Reads

Ah, October. Really not loving your cooler temps. I'm more a summer girl. But October is good for one thing...paranormal romance.

The nights are longer and start earlier, which means I'm not (that) embarrassed to be in my pajamas by 6 p.m. and settled on the couch to watch TV or read.

Read what? Well, tomorrow, I'll be buying Thea Harrison's SERPENT'S KISS. I'm loving this series. DRAGON BOUND and  STORM'S HEART were strong additions to the PNR field and I'm anxious to read Rune's story and intrigued with Carling's character. Harrison's style can be compared to JR Ward's (that's a compliment) but her world-building is unique.

I'll also be adding THE GOBLIN KING to my TBR list. Shona Husk is a fellow Sourcebooks author who's also breaking out of the ebook market. Love the cover and the blurb is intriguing.

Cursed by a Druid millennia ago, Roan lives a bleak existence in the Shadowlands, desperately trying to retain his soul and not succumb to the goblin horde. When a beautiful human summons him to grant a wish, he sees a glimmer of hope. But will she ever agree to be his queen?

I've also got JR Ward's ENVY in the list, Jim Butcher's CHANGES and I'm finishing up JD Robb's TREACHERY IN DEATH.

Roarke from Robb's In Death series is the ultimate romance hero and Butcher's Harry Dresden is the man I want at my back when zombies or evil werewolves come knocking at my door. Sure, Harry may destroy your home as he's saving your life but he does it with a good heart.

I'm also going to be giving this book a go: OCEANBORNE by Katherine Irons. Never read her but the blurb is intriguing and I love the cover.

Elena Carter has loved the sea all her life. As an underwater archaeologist, she works with it every day, cajoling it into giving up the treasures and mysteries of its past. But when she pulls a handsome stranger from the water in the midst of a storm, she realizes there is much she still has to learn. Taking shelter from the tempest, they experience sensual awakenings, pleasures different from any they have felt before. But the stranger, her intoxicating Prince Orion, disappears, leaving nothing but an ancient artifact.

Reluctantly returning to her landbound life, Elena finds more pieces to a puzzle that baffles her even as it hints at greater discoveries yet to be made. She longs to feel Orion's arms around her just one more time, and to ask him about the secrets hidden in the deep, secrets inextricably bound up with Orion and their unquenchable passion. But who—or what—is he? And once she has known the touch of the sea, can Elena return to the world she left behind?

What's on your reading list for this month? Anything new I should I know about?

1 comment:

Jeff Rivera said...

Thank you for sharing the info. Have a great day.